We found 14 articles related to the category LGBTQ+.

Family Celebrates Newest Adoption

John and Brian Pica-Sneeden started their foster care journey nearly 30 years ago. Since then, they have adopted six of their foster children – one as recently as last month!

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Major Gift Creates Transgender Peer Support, Medical, Therapy Services

A $100,000 gift is funding the creation of a specialized service to provide transgender adolescents and young adults with peer support, medical care, and gender-responsive therapy. “Walk With Me” will launch this spring at Wheeler’s community health centers in Plainville and Hartford. It is an outpatient treatment track for LGBTQ+-identifying young people ages 10-25.

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Visibility Campaign: Teodoro Anderson Diaz

As part of LGBTQ+ History Month, we are sharing our very first Visibility Campaign, where we look to our diverse and talented staff, to tell their stories and shed light on the rich cultural diversity that exists in our workforce.

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Visibility Campaign: Shayn Ember

As part of LGBTQ+ History Month, we are sharing our very first Visibility Campaign, where we look to our diverse and talented staff, to tell their stories and shed light on the rich cultural diversity that exists in our workforce.

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Visibility Campaign: Rena Fox

Wheeler shares stories during LGBTQ+ History Month of our diverse and talented staff to shed light on the rich cultural diversity that exists in our workforce.

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