A Family Addition on National Adoption Day: Leda’s Story

“Being a foster parent is the hardest job, but it is the best job."

Leda has fostered children and youth intermittently for the past 13 years. She fostered five children and adopted her daughter 12 years ago. Recently, she adopted her son, whom she fostered for four years, on November 20, 2020, National Adoption Day.

In terms of advice for other potential foster parents, Leda says there are no rigid restrictions on being a foster parent. “Individuals can be single, married, or living with a partner. They can be gay or straight, can be of any race or religion. With the exception of being over the age of 21, there are also no age restrictions,” Leda said.

“Being a foster parent is the hardest job, but it is the best job. It is so rewarding,” she added.

Leda suggests and encourages people to reach out to Wheeler and get the information and to take classes offered, including Wheeler’s 10-week virtual TIPS-MAPP, Trauma-Informed Partnering for Safety and Permanence – Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting course.

TIPS-MAPP is a journey where individuals explore their own lives, their family life, their values, and personal connection to children. It’s a place where participants learn more about the foster care system in Connecticut and gain insight into the roles, challenges, and experiences of social workers, foster parents, and most importantly, the hundreds of children and youth in Connecticut in need of loving homes and families. Those who participate in TIPS-MAPP are under no obligation to become licensed foster parents.

The next TIPS-MAPP course starts February 1, 2021. Learn more here.

“If you want to start slow, start with respite care,” Leda said. Respite care involves licensed foster parents who assist other foster parents by providing a foster child with short-term foster care.

Leda said she enjoys working with Wheeler because the team is always there to listen. “I also really appreciate and enjoy the ongoing training opportunities and the monthly support group offered virtually, even during quarantine. The Wheeler team makes all the difference in my experience as a foster parent.”

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