SAFE Family Recovery

Icon Alone RGB.jpgWheeler’s SAFE Family Recovery (SAFE-FR) program, offered in Connecticut Department of Children and Families Region 1 (Bridgeport, Norwalk and Stamford), offers three types of services to help meet the substance use treatment and recovery needs of adult caregivers wherever they are in their recovery. The program helps identify client needs for substance use services, fosters connections with providers, builds motivation to enter and stay in services, and supports a return to long-term family functioning that promotes child well-being.

Identifying Need Through Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

SBIRT is a 30-minute appointment where individuals receive three types of screenings: an alcohol test, a urine drug test, and a brief set of questions to assess need. Together these screenings determine if individuals might benefit from behavioral health services, particularly for substance use. SBIRT staff discuss available treatment options, and a referral (as necessary) is provided on the spot.

Multidimensional Family Recovery (MDFR)

MDFR is a six-month family-based service delivered weekly in the home to help people access and maintain substance use and mental health treatment, complete a parenting program, and demonstrate the ability to provide a safe, healthy environment for children. Wheeler’s MDFR team works with the entire family to support individuals in their recovery from substance use and to increase their child’s well-being. Wheeler’s MDFR specialist works collaboratively with individuals and families to create a Recovery Support Plan, as well as encourage and guide families to better communication. For families involved with the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF), this program can offer strategies and steps for eventually exiting DCF involvement.

Recovery Management & Support (RMS)

RMS offers regular, in-person or telephone “check-ins” for six months after substance use treatment ends—even if individuals leave early. During a check-in, RMS staff will ask how individuals are doing and help them to set goals or manage urges to use substances. If a setback happens, the RMS team provides linkages to services, including substance use treatment re-entry RMS and access to medication-assisted treatment. This process also helps individuals to build a positive network of supportive relationships, obtain housing, secure employment, and more. Check-ins taper over time based on need.

Susan Schneider, LCSW
Director, Community-Based Services

Funding for this program is provided by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families.

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